What’s in it for You?
I’m not going to paint a picture for you where you’re sitting on a balcony overlooking a vineyard, or sunning on a white sand beach dipping your toes into the ocean, or any other over-the-top peaceful living fantasy. Instead, I just want you to think about how different your life would look when your biggest challenges become non-existent.
Would you have such a steady stream of business that you’d need to hire people to handle the work-load? Would your boss (even if that boss is you) sing your praises, promote you, and give you a raise? Would that pay day translate into you finally being able to have and do the things you’ve dreamed of all these years – you know, like pay off your bills, get a great car, and maybe even that tropical vacation?
Whatever it means for you, is what you need to focus on.
Because we focus on getting you that revenue. It’s our job to create a strategy that expertly melds your company’s brand messaging and voice into any medium, speaking to any audience, and compelling them to take action.
Marketing is not a luxury. It’s the ultimate necessity for a business, non-profit, charity, or other organization. But marketing is not always something your skill set, or time capacity allows you to get a handle on.
This is where we come in and meet with you. The process is pretty straightforward. We’ll ask the questions that will allow us to define your brand persona, your goals overall as well as those for individual campaign results, and gather bench-marking data. Armed with all that knowledge (and probably a good set of your current marketing materials), we’ll head out and get to work crafting a marketing strategy that has the best chance of producing the results you hope for.
The strategy comes with actionable plans for each segment, a working timeline, and a break-down of responsibilities so every member of the team is on the same page.
As each campaign segment is launched, we’ll measure results, making adjustments as needed to keep goals within reach. And we’ll be transparent with you on everything. You can be involved as much or as little as you want to be.
Ultimately, we empower you to get back to doing the things your business needs you most for.
As new or increased streams of revenue hit your bottom line, you’ll quickly realize your ROI pays for the investment in us you make, many times over.
What’s in it For Us?
OK, not to be cheeky here, but truth be told, we love the challenge and uniqueness of each new project. Marketing, and the copywriting that goes with it, is an art and a science. We love that balance! It allows us to keep loving what we do because every day is different!
And we’re in business, too, so of course there are fees for our services. We’ll be upfront with those when we present our suggested strategies to you. We’ll have each component broken down for you so you can piece it out a la carte style to fit within your budget, or you can choose our retainer option. This option typically is a much bigger bang for your buck, so to speak, as it locks Terhune Copywriting into a set number of service hours dedicated to your project(s) each month. You’ll get a discounted rate that way, and you’ll also have the benefit of budgeting flat monthly fee, rather than having to juggle things each month with a fluctuating invoice.
Prices vary by project, so just ask us and we’ll give it to you straight!
And That’s A Win-Win!
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